GRE issue 2 : The best way to teach is to praise positive actions and ignore negative ones.

The best way to teach is to praise positive actions and ignore negative ones.


Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

Indeed, in contemporary discourse, there is a prevalent emphasis on the value of praise in fostering positivity and self-esteem among individuals. However, it would be remiss to discount the importance of acknowledging and addressing negative aspects of behavior or performance. While praising positive actions undoubtedly has its merits, neglecting to confront negative behavior can have detrimental consequences.

Firstly, failing to address negative behavior deprives individuals of the opportunity for self-improvement and growth. Effective feedback serves as a crucial tool for personal development, providing individuals with valuable insights into areas requiring improvement. Just as responsible parents guide their children by distinguishing between right and wrong, educators and mentors play a vital role in facilitating learning and development by offering constructive criticism.

Secondly, constructive criticism, when delivered with sincerity and goodwill, is instrumental in fostering resilience and a growth mindset. Rather than shying away from critique, individuals who embrace feedback as a means for improvement demonstrate maturity and receptivity. In educational settings, students who are receptive to constructive criticism are better equipped to overcome challenges and excel in their endeavors. Moreover, they develop the invaluable skill of self-reflection, enabling them to identify areas for improvement independently.

Furthermore, ignoring negative feedback can perpetuate a cycle of stagnation and hinder progress. While individuals may possess the capacity to self-correct, the process can be protracted and fraught with uncertainty. By providing timely and constructive feedback, mentors and educators empower individuals to address shortcomings efficiently and effectively, thereby facilitating continuous improvement.

In conclusion, while the power of praise in bolstering self-esteem and motivation is undeniable, it must be complemented by a commitment to addressing negative aspects constructively. By embracing feedback as a catalyst for growth and self-improvement, individuals cultivate resilience, adaptability, and a mindset conducive to success. Therefore, dismissing negative feedback as unnecessary or unwarranted undermines the holistic development of individuals and inhibits their potential for growth and achievement.


In contemporary discourse, the significance of praise in nurturing positivity and self-esteem among individuals has garnered considerable attention. However, to exclusively focus on commendation without addressing negative behavior or performance is a disservice to personal and professional development. While the merits of praising positive actions are undeniable, a nuanced approach that integrates constructive criticism is essential for fostering growth and excellence.

First and foremost, overlooking negative behavior deprives individuals of invaluable opportunities for self-reflection and improvement. Effective feedback serves as a guiding light, illuminating areas in need of refinement and providing a pathway for progress. Just as responsible guardians instill moral values in their wards by delineating right from wrong, mentors and educators play a pivotal role in nurturing intellectual and moral growth through candid evaluation.

Moreover, constructive criticism, when delivered with empathy and sincerity, fosters resilience and cultivates a growth mindset. Rather than shying away from critique, individuals who embrace feedback as a catalyst for improvement demonstrate maturity and a commitment to self-mastery. In educational contexts, students who are receptive to constructive criticism exhibit enhanced adaptability and problem-solving skills, positioning themselves for success in an ever-evolving world.

Furthermore, dismissing negative feedback perpetuates a cycle of stagnation and impedes progress. While individuals may possess the capacity for self-correction, the journey towards self-improvement is expedited and enriched through thoughtful guidance. By providing timely and constructive feedback, mentors and educators empower individuals to address shortcomings proactively, catalyzing continuous growth and development.

In conclusion, while the transformative power of praise is undeniable, its efficacy is magnified when complemented by constructive criticism. By embracing feedback as a cornerstone of personal and professional development, individuals cultivate resilience, fortitude, and a steadfast commitment to excellence. Therefore, integrating constructive criticism into educational and professional settings is not only prudent but imperative for nurturing a generation of empowered and self-assured individuals poised to thrive in the complexities of the modern world.